Become a Member

Tea Tree Golf Club welcomes all prospective new members. For your convenience you can download a copy of the Nomination for Membership Form by clicking on the button below.


Available Membership Subscriptions 2024 / 2025

Category Playing Rights Fee for 2024* (includes a Capitation Fee)
Full Membership 7 days $480
Senior Full Membership (Age 65 + 10 years) 7 days $435
Life & Honorary Members (playing) 7 days $75
Colts (19-23 years of age) 7 days $300
Junior (16-18 years of age) 7 days $180
Junior (13-15 years of age) 7 days $120
Junior (10-12 years of age) 7 days $50
Non-playing / Social Membership
(Available on written application to the Committee)
Nil $40
Pro-Rata Subs August 2024 to February 2025 Playing Rights Fee for 2024* (includes a Capitation Fee)
August (8 Months) + Joining fee $25 7 Days $350
September (7 Months) + Joining fee $25 7 Days $305
October (6 Months) + Joining fee $25 7 Days $275
Novmber (5 Months) + Joining fee $25 7 Days $225
December (4 Months) + Joining fee $25 7 Days $185
Janurary/February  7 Days $100
All Junior Members 10-18. No Joining Fee Aug-Dec  7 Days POA
Colts 19-23. $50 Joining Fee Aug - Dec 7 Days POA

*All Membership categories include GST.

Code of conduct

The Tea Tree Golf Club Code of Conduct (2015) applies to all Members of the Tea Tree Golf Club in all instances when the Member is at the facility or is representing the Club in any capacity at any other venue. The Code of Conduct can be viewed by clicking the button below:

All Members must adhere at all times to commonly accepted standards of golfing etiquette and sportsmanship. In order to ensure proper standards of behaviour during a competition a Member who commits an offence under this Code will face disciplinary proceedings.


Competition Days

The Tea Tree Golf Clubhouse and bar are open on competition days. A summary of the weekly competition schedule is displayed below:

Day Competition

Open to all Tea Tree Golf Club Members. Members of other golf clubs are also welcome.

Rolling start from 8am. Please Note: The course is closed until 2pm.


Ladies Competition - Open to all Tea Tree Golf Club Members.

Competitions commence 9:00am or at the Green Keeper's discretion.


(Daylight Savings)

9-hole twilight competition - Open to all Tea Tree Golf Club Members and Visitors.

Tee off from 3:00pm.


As per the Tea Tree Golf Club fixture.

Open to all Tea Tree Golf Club Full Members and Visitors.


As per the Tea Tree Golf Club fixture.

Open to all Tea Tree Golf Club Members and Visitors.

Rules of Golf

All Members are required to adhere to the rules of golf and to practice good golf etiquette. Members are urged to consult the club notice board for local and other special rules governing play on the course.


Points Worth Noting To Create Harmony On The Links

  • Pick up your ball when your strokes are exhausted.
  • Walk briskly between shots.
  • Do not mark your card whilst standing on the green.
  • Replace divots, repair plug marks and smooth out bunkers.
  • If your ball is lost stand aside and call the next group through if you are holding up the field.
  • Don't be selfish, consider the whole field and speed up your play if you fall behind the group in front.
  • The lowest marker in each group is responsible for the group observing good golf etiquette at all times.

Slow Play

The regular occurrence of "Slow Play" is discussed consistently amongst members, and with the thought that almost every player-member of the Club has at some time expressed concern about the effect of slow play on their enjoyment of the game, we offer the following suggestions which may assist in avoiding the problem:

  1. Not being ready on time.
    Select club and ball while other players are having their shots.
  2. Delay on tees or greens while marking card.
    Always mark the card while awaiting your turn at the tee.
  3. Players wait with others on the tee until all have played their shot, then walk to their own ball.
    Walk directly to your own ball, or level with same; and select club to be used while waiting for others to play their shots.
  4. Unnecessary number of practice swings.
    It is agreed that each player has their own preference in this matter, but practice swings should be limited by discretion.
  5. Delays in locating lost balls.
    If, after a reasonable period, it is apparent you are holding up play, call the next group through.
  6. Lack of discretion in going through a team that has lost a ball.
    If, called ahead as in (5) but immediately afterwards the team ahead locate their ball and it is evident that play will proceed faster if they continue; you should signal to them to go ahead.
  7. On the putting green unnecessary marking of balls and the players not continuing to putt out
    On reaching the green and your ball, study the line of your putt immediately. When it is your turn to putt, try and wherever possible putt right out.
    Marking the ball is sometimes necessary, but not always, and should be avoided.
  8. Players not using the time on the green, while waiting their turn to assess their own putt.
    Wherever possible, a player should have assessed their own putt for direction and speed while the other players are putting, providing in doing so, no interference is caused to the other players.
  9. Incorrect handling of the flag on the green.
    The player nearest the hole should attend the flag and then pass it to the first player to hole out, then appraise their own putt.
  10. Leaving buggies around the green on the wrong side of the tee.
    Always place your buggy adjacent to the approach to the next tee.


By far the most important Rule:

  • Each player walks directly to or adjacent to their ball at all times, and waits there for the player farthest from the hole to play their shot.
  • That they have used that time to assess their own shot.
  • We ask you all to get into the habit of playing this way, and if you see anybody NOT playing this way, this is why you are having a slow round.



Regulations For The Use of 4 Wheel And Large 3 Wheel Ride-On Motorised Vehicles

Approval to operate motorised vehicles must first be obtained from the Committee.

Motorised vehicles must only travel on the edge of the fairways (or use paths / tracks) with particular attention to the following:

  • 7th/16th - Proceed across the first bridge and leave near the 8th tee.
  • 8th/17th - Proceed no further than the traffic bridge below the 2nd green.
  • 9th/18th - Proceed over the main bridge to the back of the green.

Motorised vehicles are not to continuously cross fairways in the course of playing any particular hole.

Unless otherwise indicated, where practicable, motorised vehicles are to proceed no closer than 4 metres from the edges of the greens and tees.

Persons in control of motorised vehicles must turn off the engine whilst players within ear shot are playing shots.

Rapid acceleration is to be avoided to reduce noise pollution and surface damage.

Persons responsible for motorised vehicles should be covered by sufficient insurance to meet any circumstances that may arise.

Visitors must obtain approval from the Club prior to the use of any motorised vehicle on this course and are to comply with these Conditions of Play.

Inclement weather conditions may prohibit the use of motorised vehicles if so deemed by the Match Committee.



Dress Code

All Tea Tree Golf Club members and their visitors are required to follow a code of dress suitable for a golf club as outlined below:


Acceptable Attire



  • Slacks or neat jeans.
  • Walk shorts / neat dress socks
  • Long or sports socks.
  • Socks to be predominately white.
  • Shirts and T-shirts MUST have a collar.


  • Slacks or neat jeans.
  • Long shorts or calf length pants.
  • Skirt.
  • Blouse or T-Shirt.

Unacceptable Attire

Men & Women


  • Tracksuits.
  • Football shorts or shorts with drawstrings (i.e. board shorts)
  • Tank tops.
  • Thongs.


Reciprocal Clubs

Tea Tree Golf Club enjoys reciprocal arrangements with the following clubs:

  • Exeter Golf Club - PH: 6394 4427
  • Penguin Golf Club - PH: 6437 2029
  • Ringarooma Golf Club - PH: 6353 2240

Visitors from the above clubs are always welcome and are eligible for all daily trophies on offer, except for Club Championships, Monthly Medals and Memorial Trophies.